
Plus and Minus Game for Understanding Addition and Subtraction

Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $19.00.

The Plus and Minus Game is used in a small group in which the teacher creates conversations that will get students involved in thinking as students handle the foundational understanding that numbers change:  they can get bigger or smaller depending on the mathematical process, i.e. the plus or minus directions on the game card.

All Workshop Way® products are copyrighted.  The teacher is free to make copies as needed for their own classroom.


The Plus and Minus Game is a game in which a given ‘game number’ is altered by direction cards (the game cards) that provide the direction to add or subtract from the game number.

The purpose of the Plus and Minus Game is to create conversations that will get students involved in thinking.  The students can be right or wrong safely.  This process builds courage and willingness to be involved in the learning.  The by-product will be students handling the foundational understanding that numbers change:  they can get bigger or smaller depending on the mathematical process, i.e. the plus or minus directions on the game card.


  • For the pockets: 5 sheets pastel colored card stock.  Print double-sided with long side flip.  Follow directions on cards for assembly.
  • For the direction cards: 10 sheets white copy paper, print single-sided, cut apart and place in the Game pocket number indicated
  • For the Moveable Markers: Print double-sided on blue card stock as many copies a needed.

All Workshop Way® products are copyrighted.  The teacher is free to make copies as needed for their own classroom.