
Short Vowel Words Cards for Visual Discrimination

Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $5.00.

Short Vowel Words Cards for Visual Discrimination  

The purpose of these cards are for beginning or struggling readers to discern between two words that have many of the same letters. Instructions for use of these cards are included.

This product is also part of the Grade One, Two or Three Phonics Bundle.

All products from Workshop Way are copyrighted and the purchaser is entitled to use the materials in their own classroom. Reproduction of these materials for multiple classrooms, an entire school, or for a school system is strictly prohibited.  Contact for more information.


Short Vowel Words Cards Visual Discrimination 

The purpose of these cards are for beginning or struggling readers to discern between two words that have many of the same letters. Use with students who need practice discerning between words. Instructions for use of these cards are included.

After printing and cutting apart there will be 24 cards, each card containing 2 words that require recognition of differences between the words, for example: but / bat; red / sled.

This product is downloaded after purchase.

All products from Workshop Way are copyrighted and the purchaser is entitled to use the materials in their own classroom but is restricted from printing for multiple classrooms.

Printing needs: 6 sheets of colored letter size card stock